Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lesson # 4: Dilations

Stretching or Compressing:

y = f(x) goes to ky = f(x)        *This will make the equation, vertically stretch or compress by 1/k*

y = f(x) goes to y = f(kx)        *This will make the equation, horizontally stretch or compress by 1/k*
The way I remember these is when... if it's a whole number it will be compressed.
                                                      if it's a fraction it will be stretched.

1) y = f(1/2x) goes to x = 1/2x   which makes a... horizontal stretch x2
2) 2/3y = f(x) goes to y = 2/3x   which makes a... vertical stretch x3/2 or x1.5

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