Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lesson # 11: Exponentials & Logarithms

Exponentials vs. Logarithms:

Exponentials:      3^x                                      log(b) A=E <==> (b)^E=A
Logarithms:        log^x                            
                                                                 b=base     A=answer   E=exponent 

Example of Exponential to Logarithm Form:
1) 4^3 = 64   <==>  log(4)64 = 3
2) 2^-4 = 1/16  <==>  log(2)1/16 = -4

A logarithm is.... the exponent with a base of 10.

*To get the answer of a logarithm with a base of 10 is to count the zeros!*
log(10)1,000 = 3

Converting to base of x:

Example:     *base of 2*                     
1) 8^3x+1

2) 1/32^x-1

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